Beer Buzz: Jeremiah Johnson Brewing Mountain Man Scotch Ale

Brewer: Jeremiah Johnson Brewing Company (Formerly The Front Brewing Company)
Location: Great Falls, Montana
Brew: Mountain Man Scotch Ale
Style: Complex Scotch Ale, Scotch Ale, Wee Heavy
ABV: 6.50%

A good friend of ours from Helena, Montana stopped in for a surprise visit a few weeks back and brought with him some of this delicious, choice beverage. Six 16oz. cans of “Montana Original” Mountain Man Scotch Ale from a brewery we’d never heard of out of Great Falls named The Front (Renamed to Jeremiah Johnson Brewing Company in 2018). The fact is, my buddy seemed stark raving mad about this beer, and from what we can tell he had good reason to feel that way. This is one delicious scotch ale that oozes malty goodness with hints of toffee, chocolate, and coffee flavors.

On top of this being one tasty barley pop, these guys nailed it with their package design and label. The label appears to be an illustrated cartoonish-looking mountain man with flowing locks, a burly beard, a sprig of barley in his mouth, and some ultra-mirrored shades reflecting a delightful sunrise/sunset over some idyllic Montana mountains.

Then there is the cool-ass pop-top lid on the can. Maybe this is nothing new to some of you out there, but we've yet to see a craft beer with a lid that pulls entirely off the way some soup can lids do now. Maybe it’s a bit of a novelty, but it’s still pretty cool in our opinion.

Cool packaging aside, this is a new favorite of ours here at Dirt Buzz. So if you live in Montana, get your hands on one of these beers from The Front. We look forward to trying more of their beers on our next trip to Montana; or if our buddy returns on another visit, he may just need to bring us a pallet’s worth.

Buzz: Smooth with low carbonation, this beer definitely has that UK/European-style taste and drinkability that we like it. This is as easy-drinking as a 6.80% brew can get. The cool shotgun pop-top is a pretty fun addition, too.  

Buzzkill: We really don’t have anything to complain about here, other than they don’t distribute their beers here in Idaho. Mountain Man would certainly be in our normal rotation if they sold it here in Idaho. Hint, hint. Wink, wink.

More Information:
Jeremiah Johnson Brewing Company.
Great Falls, Montana